simple playing temple run

simple playing temple run .Now that the game does not suck Temple Run (iTunes: free - Universal),

from Imangi Studios. This is a fast-toe-, game-ending run sort of like "GTDS" old Guy Gravity, or the game is impossible, but with a good 3D twist and adventurer Indiana Jones theme here which makes it even more satisfying. In a brief tutorial to learn the basic controls that consist of a friction finger (left, right, up (jump), and down (slides)) to be used to avoid obstacles and keep from falling to your death, while being chased by a demon skull -corn-monkey. 

When you run through the world at random, you will see a mysterious floating coins you can collect by tilting your device. These coins serve the money that you can use in the Temple Run to the store to buy and upgrade various powerups to help you stay alive longer. You can buy extra coins with real money if you're impatient, but the game is so addicting I find you can collect coins for yourself just by playing. The game tends to move quickly, and may at first seem frustrating, but after 5 minutes you find your rhythm and get a real feel for the friction you and start trying to beat your best time. I also enjoy the suspenseful, driving soundtrack that mainly consists of forest drums again sounded almost exactly like the beginning of the Van "Hot Teacher" Halen. [I just realized the following paragraph is completely wrong, but I left it because it is a piece of poetry journalism] The only problem I with a game more than a suggestion to developers at the problem objectively, (you're reading this, Natalia?) Which of course you should have the option to choose to play as female characters. If I learned anything from playing Tomb Raider as a teenager going through puberty, it is that I enjoy watching women adventurers in the shorts from behind to run it. Plus, the main character snorts a lot, facing the men, but good "Caroline Wozniacki" vibe if it is a woman. However, the idea alone. I know I'll pay the extra 99 ¢ in the store to play as Caroline Wozniacki. [UPDATE: Turns out you CAN play as female characters, but you have to buy it (and 4 other characters) by the store. My confusion comes in the shop menu (and the Menus purpose) they do not appear to be a clear scrollable scrolled down, I would like to see additional characters. So I guess now my only criticism of the menu has an arrow or something for us to be stupid. Here's a short video of gameplay that basically all you need to see to decide if the game is right for you, even if I decide is right for you, so go there! Temple Run is a very casual "game bathroom breaks" (Imangi please do not hesitate to use that quote in their advertising material) which means you can pick it up and play anytime you have a minute spare (most of my games are now literally takes about 1 minutes). I can not tell you how many times I told myself "just one more try" and found that 20 minutes was suddenly gone. So what are you waiting for? You may have played 5 times so that easy and simple playing temple run