temple run simple tips

temple run simple tips .Temple Run is very straight forward game, that being said, it will take time to become a pro. The goal of the game is to walk as far as possible, without dropping the ever-continuous dike or water falling into the wood, fire, or spaces. There are no real bad guys in the Long Temple but secretly evil monkeys [who Agrinthorn], to catch you if you slip up - and if you eat one again. These people are missing after a while though - but continue to chase you. Headache is actually all bombarded by the blockade, patched the entire game.

There are four primary: Firewall - you can slide under or jump over. Fire burn. Wood-slip - If you hit it, you trip but did not die. If you are traveling again when the monkey on your back, you eat them ... for dinner. Wood-wall - May under the slide, they seem to be endlessly high. Beating them off would result in death. The endless water - basically, you can change 90 degrees every time you come to i. You can do this by flicking the screen. Failure to do so will result in your clothes in water. Thro. To help you along the way, there are some beautiful little package you can take. You can also collect coins, which may go toward a new character, more dangerous, improving, regenerating health and a better package. It has all the power up: Large coin - If you get it, you get a sudden influx of money. Allure - All the coins fly you can see, while this package is on. If upgrades, coins will become more important as well. Being invisible - you can walk through fire, wood and do. But you have to hold water. Speed ​​/ invisibility - It gives a boost in speed, after a few edits

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