ME3 Multiplayer store :
In this store players can buy upgrades contain of Weapons, Health packs and Ammo Packs. To buy what you want in the store just use credits you earn from multiplayer game raound. In The Store you can also unloc new characters, it’s cool right?
ME3 Multiplayer maps
For now (demo mode) there are only 2 maps for multiplayer mode1. Firebase Ghost located on Benning in a residential area.
2. Firebase White located on Noveria. It is covered in snow and seems to be in some type of compound.
mass effect 3 multiplayer mission
Eliminate Targets is a mission purpose that have to be finished in multiplayer waves. You must take out 4 targets within the span of a minute each. The targets are usually a Cerberus Nemesis with high shields or Atlas Mech as well. there is also upload data and N7 mission(affect your Galaxy At War rating) in ME3 multiplayer mission.other mass effect 3 multiplayer guide points are :
- player can play other alien races, they are Turian races, Asari race , krogan race , and Drell race. While other han these 4 races will be available as downloadable content or DLC
- ME3 Multiplayer mode will affect the result of singleplayer game. Your "Galactic Readiness" ranking will decide the result of the last fight against the Reapers, even if playing the multiplayer is not at all required to finishing the single player gameplay story..
- Multiplayer mode will have its own XP trees game also wil have it’s armor customization. It will not interfere the single player trees.
- In this multiplayer mode players can build as many characters as players want
- To play Multiplayer mode, you have to be online, because it’s available in online mode only
- There is no friendly fire in ME3 multiplayer mode
- There are 4 multiplayer Character Classes : soldier, Vanguard, Sentinel and Infiltrator
- To play multipler mode players require an Online Pass, and this pass is included inbox of your new Mass Effect 3.
read also Mass effect 3 achievements beside this ME3 multiplayer guide